by: Joanna Ellis-Escobar–
The right leads can make or break your franchise business. Generating these leads, however, can be a challenging undertaking. A number of factors can influence your ability to acquire and develop leads and to promote the products and services of your franchise effectively. For modern companies, online marketing and lead generation strategies are critical elements in achieving long-term success. Here are four key areas in which your franchise can often increase its visibility and enhance its market position for improved profitability.
Area #1: Social Media Marketing
Are you making the most of your social media accounts? Putting your best foot forward in the social media world can enhance your corporate reputation and can provide you with added leads and increased communication options with your most likely customers. By maintaining an active and responsive presence in these venues, you can project a positive image of your franchise while creating connections with consumers in an informal and friendly environment.
Area #2: Optimized Landing Pages
Failing to optimize your landing pages to ensure maximum impact on your potential customers can reduce your ability to generate leads and to follow up with consumers interested in your products or services. By tailoring each of your landing pages to cater to the clientele you expect to attract for that page, you can present your company as a direct solution to the pain points expressed and experienced by specific demographics within your customer base.
Area #3: Content Marketing
Establishing your franchise as a source for authoritative information regarding various aspects of your business model can create a more positive image for your products and services in the public arena. Providing your potential clients with practical and actionable information about your industry can inspire increased confidence among consumers. By offering just a taste of the useful information and exchanging the remainder for contact information using lead forms on your site, you can often acquire quality leads and conversions to boost your customer base.
Area #4: Live Chat Services
One of the most effective ways to generate leads is to provide visitors to your websites and landing pages with professional live chat services like those provided by Chat 24/7 Live. By offering potential customers the chance to chat with a live agent, your company can present itself as responsive and responsible while ensuring the highest quality leads and the largest number of conversions for added profitability in the competitive online marketplace.
Chat 24/7 Live offers live monitoring 24 hours a day, seven days a week to generate more leads and more business for your franchise. Our instant transmission of chat transcripts allows your company to strike while the iron is hot and to reach potential customers when they are ready to buy. You pay only for qualified leads as defined by your company, allowing you to stretch your marketing budget and to ensure maximum return on your investment. With no contracts and minimal upfront investment, Chat 24/7 Live is an essential element in your franchise lead generation strategy.