Mystery shopping an unlimited number of multiple locations is now instant and free with Chat 24/7 Live’s service. It takes no time to set up on our subscriber portal and allows tracking through a downloadable report. Upload the completed document to compare with past and future reports.
Our portal allows subscribers to complete a template chat transcript, select locations to shop and instantly distribute the transcript to those locations with the click of a button. Subscribers then download the tracking report, then wait for responses saving thousands of dollars and countless hours of administrative time.
About Chat 24/7 Live
Based in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, Chat 24/7 Live, the leading live chat service provider to the Franchise Industry, offers a risk-free, managed live chat platform providing customer service, lead capture, and conversion facilitation through teleconferencing, appointment scheduling and special offer features. Their real-time, round-the-clock service for websites and all online marketing activities increases consumer satisfaction and builds brand reputation, resulting in more return visits and higher conversion rates.
Subscribers have the ability to use Chat 24/7 software in house during business hours and switch to our concierge service after hours.
The company’s solutions provide a low-cost, and more productive alternative to expensive franchise portal lead purchases, as well as many additional features that increase both franchise recruitment and franchisee consumer sales while reducing costs and building brand awareness. Obtain more information at 980-722-9535 or www.Franchise.Chat247Live.Com